Acasă Articole RTR Strategii literare subversive în lupta dintre o literatură marginalizată și canon: o...

Strategii literare subversive în lupta dintre o literatură marginalizată și canon: o lectură a romanului Europolis


Subversive Literary Strategies and the Battle Between “Marginalized” Literature and Canon: A Reading of Europolis

Abstract: Accused, on the one hand of the danger of scarcity, and, on the other, of the danger of marginalization, children’s literature in the interwar period is often associated with clichéd labels, such as “minor literature”, without the latter being understood in the direction proposed by Deleuze. On the contrary, the meaning of the term is strictly pejorative, and it marks the dissolution into mediocrity of the texts recovered from the above-mentioned category. So, the intention of the present paper is to propose a case study of the novel Europolis written by Jean Bart, aiming to identify some interpretative tools detected at the level of the text with the aim of reinstating the status of this literary genre on the canonical stage. The poporanist ideological direction assumed by the author in all his writings, the unusual linguistic images given by the nicknames attributed to the characters (Penelope, the American, etc.), their actions, enhanced and predictable like in a soap opera –all contribute to the generation of necessary aspects in the panorama of a motley community subjected to social criticism when read in a subversive key. The construction of the narrative context around the port of Sulina involves a metaphor of openness (to otherness, various cultural/social inflections, etc.), but is dismantled by the author by means of actors regulated by the preliminaries of a capitalist society, against which the writing is reactionary, given the final failure of the character (see the curiosity aroused by the return of the character called the American, suspected of possessing an enormous fortune, a situation debunked at the end of the novel). Thus, the novel Europolis written by Jean Bart creates a pre-text, through entertainment and an engaging tone, to highlight the shortcomings of a collective fascinated by all that the West can offer, but unable to solve its own social and cultural emergencies, because of an organic hypocrisy which is ultimately sufficient for the final decline of all the characters.

Keywords: Europolis, Jean Bart, children’s literature, subversive dimension, reactionary writing, capitalism

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