For Authors

Recommendations for authors:

Transilvania journal is published by the ASTRA National Museum Complex under the authority of the Sibiu County Council.

It is an inter/transdisciplinary scientific journal, indexed in the SCOPUS and EBSCO databases for fields related to Humanities.

The materials will be sent to the editorial office in electronic format, preferably in .doc or .docx format, accompanied by their version converted to portable format (pdf); it is preferable that the text does not contain other codes such as bookmarks, terms marked for indexes (names, localities, etc.), hyperlinks, automatic paragraph numbering, manual word separation, etc; font-level formatting is allowed; if tables, diagrams, and other graphics are used, it is preferable that they are sent in a separate file (in .xls, .tiff, .jpeg, .pdf format); If for reasons of economy of space adjustments are necessary (in the sense of adding or deleting graphic elements), the Editorial Board reserves the right to intervene on the material in this regard. Even if the Editorial Board ensures the correction of the materials in terms of grammatical and stylistic correctness, we recommend the authors to check these aspects before sending them (for more info on publication policy please see section Ethics & Peer Review).

The presence of the following elements is mandatory on the first page of the materials:
– The title in the language in which the article is written and in English (where applicable); the title must be concise and clear; it is possible that, in order to be indexed in databases, the words present in the title may be used to find the articles, alongside the general keywords.
– The name of the author(s) and the institutional affiliation (in the language in which the article is written and in English) accompanied by the address of the institution; it will be clearly specified whether the author is part of different institutional collectives; the full address of the institutions to which the author belongs must also be specified (address, telephone number, e-mail address).
– Article summary/Abstract (in English). It must concisely present the purpose of the research, the main results of the research and the major conclusions reached;
– Keywords (minimum of 5) in English.
– Presence of special character subsets; the legend of the graphic elements present in the article (if applicable); other situations related to the special elements in the content of the article.

The publication of materials that do not present these elements will be postponed until the members of the Editorial Board manage to identify them; the responsibility for the content of the materials rests exclusively with the authors.

References & bibliography:
Transilvania uses exclusively the Chicago citation system for studies and reviews published since January 2020. In this regard, we recommend that you follow the complete English citation system at the following address for clarification related to the Chicago Manual of Style:

Additional remarks:
– All titles in a language other than English are translated and placed in square brackets in the bibliography. If the title has already been translated into English, that translation will be used.
– Commas and quotation marks for articles in Romanian are inserted according to the local rule in the notes (eg: “Autocolonization”). In the bibliography, commas and quotation marks are entered according to the English rule (eg “Self-colonization”).
– The links and the two are inserted in the notes and in the bibliography on the next row, after the complete completion of the bibliography note / entry.
– Make sure you use quotation marks for chapter/article/poem title (“Empire”) ant italics for volume/book/collection title (Empire) inside the article.

Please submit your contributions to

Submission fees

Transilvania does not require any submission fees. Anyone who wants to submit their work can do so free of charge at the e-mail address provided earlier.


Open Access Policy

The journal is available online, and is free to anyone. The authors have copyright of their own work. Articles can accordingly be translated or reprinted in another format, providing full reference is made to Transilvania as the original place of publication.