Acasă Articole RTR Vasile Pleşca, Filosofii şi democraţie. Discursul uitat al libertăţii

Vasile Pleşca, Filosofii şi democraţie. Discursul uitat al libertăţii


The Philosophers and Democracy. The Lost Discourse of Liberty

Political philosophy, with its potential to guide politics, is in the paradoxal situation of every theoretical science betrayed by practice. If one hundred years ago, at the beginning of the modern political philosophy, this was able to legitimate political practice, nowadays politics has its own ways to follow, independent of the theoretical aspects. And that happens, beyond the complexity of the contemporary reality, in the wrong approaches of the contemporary political theory.

Keywords: democracy, liberty, redistribution, recognition, rights, justice

  • Berlin, Isaiah, Patru eseuri despre libertate (Four Essays on Liberty), traducere de Laurenţiu Ştefan Scalat, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 1996
  • Fraser, Nancy, Honneth, Axel, Redistribuition or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange, London, Verso Books, 2003.
  • Fraser, Nancy, „Recognition, Redistribuition and representation in Capitalist Global Society”, în Acta Sociologica, nr. 4 (47), 2004.
  • Friedman, Milton, Liber să alegi (Free to Choose), traducere de Petre Mazilu, București, Editura All, 1998.
  • Iliescu, A.P. (editor), Filosofia socială a lui F.A. Hayek (Social Philosophy of F.A. Hayek), Iași, Editura Polirom, 2001.
  • Locke, John, Al doilea tratat despre cârmuire. Scrisoare despre toleranţă (Second Treatise of Civil Government. A Letter Concerning Toleration), traducere de Silviu Culea, Bucureşti, Editura Nemira, 1999.
  • Mill, John Stuart, Despre libertate (On Liberty), traducere de Adrian Paul Iliescu, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 1994.
  • Nozick, Robert, Anarhie, stat, utopie (Anarchy, State, and Utopia), traducere de Mircea Dumitru, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 1997.
  • Rawls, John, A Theory of Justice. Revised Edition, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1999