Un manuscris ascuns în văzul lumii: jurnalul lui Mihail Sebastian din anii 1930-1931
Alexandra OPRESCU
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G. Călinescu Institute of Literary History and Theory of the Romanian Academy
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A Manuscript Hidden in Plain Sight: Mihail Sebastian’s Journal Kept During 1930-1931
Abstract: The manuscript I talk about in this paper – Mihail Sebastianʼs diary from 1930 to 1931 – has been “hidden” in sight for nearly 40 years, in a public library from the cultural center of the country. I insist upon the unpublished content of this notebook, which I show and contextualize. I also discuss the importance of the manuscript, giving some significant details about the appearance of the notebook that housed the novel diary of the The Town with Acacia Trees, a diary kept by Sebastian during his time in Paris (1930-1931). The discovery of this unpublished notebook is per se a turning point for Sebastian’s exegetes.
Key words: unpublished manuscript, diary, The Town with Acacia Trees, Romanian-Jewish writer, Mihail Sebastian
Citation suggestion: Oprescu, Alexandra. “Un manuscris ascuns în văzul lumii: jurnalul lui Mihail Sebastian din anii 1930-1931.” Transilvania, no. 2 (2023): 17-25. https://doi.org/10.51391/trva.2023.02.02.
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