„O generație de susceptibili”: Emil Ivănescu, Dinu Pillat, Alexandru Vona
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A. Philippide Institute of Romanian Philology, Iasi
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Studii literare
“A Generation of Susceptible Writers”: Emil Ivănescu, Dinu Pillat, and Alexandru Vona
Abstract: The study analyzes the work of three authors which were not duly integrated into the literary canon: Emil Ivănescu, Dinu Pillat and Alexandru Vona. Even if their names are lesser known within the history of Romanian literature, the article remarks that the exceptional historical circumstances of the war generation they belonged to influenced in a peculiar manner the configuration of the texts. Thus, their literary creations gave us a particular idea about the ways in which Romanian modernism was both generated and canonically validated.
Keywords: modern and contemporary Romanian literature, war generation, Emil Ivănescu, Dinu Pillat, Alexandru Vona, Albatros group
Citation suggestion: Stroescu, Diana. “’O generație de susceptibili’: Emil Ivănescu, Dinu Pillat, Alexandru Vona.” Transilvania, no. 2 (2023): 56-69. https://doi.org/10.51391/trva.2023.02.05.
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