Acasă Articole RTR Leonid Dimov și misteriile sale neogotice

Leonid Dimov și misteriile sale neogotice


Leonid Dimov and his neo-Gothic mysteries

The present study deals with the neo-Gothic and spectral features of Leonid Dimov’s poetry (1926-1987). There is a deliberately abstruse dimension in Dimov’s poetry, which confounds and baffles the reader for the very reason that beyond its bulimic fantasies and extravagant constructs, there is a peculiar intention in its underground background, in the sense that Dimov’s poems (those that are vast, narrative) represent a kind of mysteries and initiations into para-worlds, lucidly committed through neo-Gothic devices that are at least relatively assumed and through a linguistic platform characterized by a sort of postmodern baroque. There is a quest at stake, as Dimov reveals himself to be playfully anxious, quasi-neurotic; his carnivalesque propensities are never devoid of purpose, but are based on deep anxieties and concerns about death, love, knowledge and creation. There are, in other words, two Leonid Dimovs: one is a postmodern baroque man, whose inexhaustible playfulness makes him an inventor of poetic language in broad daylight, and the other is a nightmarish (not necessarily nocturnal) poet, with anguishes and anxieties that go very deep and are troubling.

Keywords: Leonid Dimov, poetry, neo-Gothic, mysteries, initiation, para-world, quest


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