Acasă Articole RTR O reprezentare a morţii în existenţialism. Sartre care moare

O reprezentare a morţii în existenţialism. Sartre care moare


A Representation of Death in Exstentialism.

Death is one object of study posing serious problems when trying to capture it by means of a certain methodology. And that is because death is one of the few phenomena we do not have real access to, and when that access really occurs, the knowledge we reach becomes irrelevant since it cannot be further transmitted. Taking all the risks of a study of the imaginary, this research paper aims at providing an analysis of a very special representation of death in existentialism: by one of the most reputed existentialist writers and philosophers: Jean-Paul Sartre. The paper investigates the death, as well as the dying of Sartre, mainly in view of Simone de Beauvoir’s book: La cérémonie des adieux. It outlines the mechanisms by which the attitude towards death engenders a series of cultural, social and aesthetic effects. The approach is an interdisciplinary one, blending in elements of thanatology and touching upon aspects pertaining to literary theory.
Keywords: Existentialism, Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Death, representation, interdisciplinary approach, theory of literature, thanatology

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