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Acasă Articole RTR Fragmente din corespondenţa lui Vasile Goldiş cu Ioan Lupaş în presă

Fragmente din corespondenţa lui Vasile Goldiş cu Ioan Lupaş în presă


Fragments of Lost Letters between Vasile (Basil) Goldiş and Ioan (John) Lupaş in Newspapers

During the dispute occured in 1911 between Vasile Goldiş, chief editor from the first of January at the newspaper Românul (The Romanian) from Arad, official mouthpiece of the National Romanian Party in Hungary and his former student at the romanian secondary school from Braşov, Ioan Lupaş, who became afterwards a Doctor in Historical Sciences and Archpriest in Sălişte (the South of Transylvania) and wrote at the journal Tribuna, also from Arad, which contested the leadership of the party, both of them quoted letters exchanged between them in the previous years, which were subsequently lost and so these press articles become historical sources for that period, considerind the personality of the authors.
Keywords: Letters in the Press/V. Goldiş & I. Lupaş

  • Mihai Bordeianu, Ştefan Lemny (eds.), Octavian Goga în
    corespondenţă / Octavian Goga through his letters, vol. II,
    Bucureşti, 1983
  • Ioachim Crăciun, Bio-bibliografia d-lui Ioan Lupaş cu ocazia
    împlinirii vârstei de 60 ani 1880-1940 / Bio-bibliography of
    Mr. Ioan Lupaş on the occasion of his 60th anniversary. 1880-
    1940, Bucureşti, 1943
  • Ioan Lupaş, Istoria bisericească a Românilor ardeleni / The
    ecclesiastical history of the Transylvanian Romanians, Sibiu,
  • Ioan Lupaş, Istoria Unirii Românilor / History of the
    Romanians’ Union, Bucureşti, 1937
  • Laurenţiu Oanea, Dr. Ştefan Cicio Pop, ediţie de Felicia
    Aneta Oarcea, Arad, 2008
  • Zigu Ornea, Viaţa lui Constantin Stere / Constantin Stere’s
    life, vol. I, Bucureşti, 1989
  • Vasile Popeangă (red.), Mărturii privind lupta românilor din
    părţile Aradului pentru păstrarea fiinţei naţionale prin educaţie şi
    cultură (1784-1918) / Witnesses regarding the fight of
    Transylvanian Romanians for the preservation of the national
    being through education and culture, Arad, 1986
  • Gheorghe Şora, Vasile Goldiş – o viaţă de om aşa cum a fost
    / Vasile Goldiş – the life of a man, such as it was, Timişoara,
  • Gheorghe Şora (ed.), Vasile Goldiş, Corespondenţă (1888-
    1934). Scrisori trimise / Vasile Goldiş, Letters (1888-1934).
    Sent letters, Cluj, 1992.