Acasă Articole RTR Teorii și ipostaze ale auctorialității în epoca globalizării digitale (1980-2020). Partea I

Teorii și ipostaze ale auctorialității în epoca globalizării digitale (1980-2020). Partea I


Theories and Practices of Authorship in the Age of Digital Globalization (1980-2020). Part I

In current debates of authorship, a somewhat controversial issue has surprisingly been the centuries-old argument surrounding the status of creative subjects. Some academics have briskly asserted that the author is categorically dead. On the other hand, however, others have claimed quite the contrary. As such, an extraordinary number of researchers sustain that the (same) author has made a definite come-back. I will try to show that all debates surrounding the-death-and-return-of-the-author conundrum should readily be discarded since they are directly accountable for the conceptual deadlock we find ourselves in today. Consequently, my paper will focus on emphasizing new ways in which literary scholars could come to terms with what’s unfolding right in front of our eyes: a new regime of authoriality.

Keywords: authorship, ecology of knowledge, conceptual history, the age of digital globalization, the ascension of authorship.


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