Acasă Articole RTR Sorin Bocancea, Ideologie şi filosofie. O abordare operaţională

Sorin Bocancea, Ideologie şi filosofie. O abordare operaţională


The Affinity Relationships between Ideology and Science

Between ideology and science there are affinity relationships, even if the general opinion deems them to be antithetical realities. The studies in the socio-political area comprise two directions. The first considers that ideology is rather a system of beliefs that deforms or occults the scientific truth. The second direction, which recognises the existence of positive relationships between ideology and science, consists of at least four perspectives: the first postulates the existence of a scientific core within the framework of ideology, which is a kind of rhetoric that helps the popularisation of scientific truths; the second considers that ideology belongs to the same type of rationality as science; the third view presents ideology as the medium wherein the scientific discourse is built, the former being the prior of any type of discourse; the forth perspective sees ideology as a means of knowledge which provides the scientific character of the cognitive endeavours in the social field.

Keywords: truth, context, ideology, individual, interest, Marxism, masses, politics, practical, society, science.

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