Romancierele: traducerile de romane scrise de femei în cultura română (1841-1918)
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Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, Facultatea de Litere și Arte; Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Letters and Arts
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Studii literare
The Women Novelists: Translations of Novels Written By Women in Romanian Culture (1841-1918)
Abstract: This article uses the data from the Chronological Dictionary of Novels Translated in Romania from its Origins to 1989 in order to chart the presence of foreign women novelists and their works in Romanian translation between 1841 (the year of the first translation of a novel originally written by a woman author, Sophie Cottin) and 1918 (the year marking the end of the long nineteenth century and the unification of Romanian provinces). The study separates two main periods, starting from the domination of the French novel: 1841-1890 and 1890-1918. The former period comprises more French novel translations, from authors such as Sophie Cottin, Stephanie-Felicité Genlis, George Sand, Countess Dash, M-me Charles Reybaud, and Mie D’Aghonne. The latter comprises Italian and American authors, such as Carolina Invernizio, Matilde Serao, Anna Katherine Green, Frances Elisa Hodgen Burnett, and even northern authors such as Clara Tschudi.
Keywords: women writers, novel translation, Romanian literature, feminism, world literature.
Citation suggestion: Baghiu, Ștefan. “Romancierele: traducerile de romane scrise de femei în cultura română (1841-1918)”. Transilvania, no. 6 (2021): 11-21.