REVIEW: Elena Platon, Româna ca limbă străină
Iulia-Maria TICĂRĂU
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Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
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Review: Elena Platon, Româna ca limbă străină
Abstract: This article aims to review the recently published study Româna ca limbă străină (RLS): elemente de metadidactică by Elena Platon. Throughout her research, the author discusses, from an evolutionary point of view, starting from the year of the emergence of this discipline (1974), the practical foundation on which RLS was built and the lack of a theoretical one. This made the academic space reluctant regarding the field of RLS and consider it a discipline that lacks the features needed to be part of it. Elena Platon analyzes the connections that Romanian as a foreign language has with the other related disciplines and explains the specific concepts of both language didactics and RLS didactics. The study only highlights the fact that the field of RLS, even if it was born for economic reasons, is a branch that is arousing more and more interest in the academic field and that is why it is necessary to build the scientific foundation, even if almost 50 years have passed since its emergence.
Keywords: review, Elena Platon, Romanian as a foreign language (RLS).
Citation suggestion: Ticărău, Iulia-Maria. „REVIEW: Elena Platon, Româna ca limbă străinăl”. Transilvania, no. 3 (2022): 91-93.
Platon, Elena. Româna ca limbă străină (RLS): elemente de metadidactică [Romanian as a Foreign Language (RLS): Elements of Metadidactics]. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2021.