Acasă Articole RTR Relațiile dintre Academia Română şi şcolile grănicereşti

Relațiile dintre Academia Română şi şcolile grănicereşti


The Relationship Between The Romanian Academy and the Borderline Schools

David Urs, Chairman of the Committee of the Borderline Schools from Sibiu, was appointed by its members to buy 22 copies from “The Dictionary of Romanian Language”, a book considered to be “The National Bible.” In 1884, The Romanian Academy began another project; another dictionary called “Etimologicum Magnum Romaniae”. In order to achieve this project, The Academy asked support from the Committee from Sibiu, requiring them to pick up data referring the Romanian language that was spoken in Transylvania, at the time. The results of the research made by 58 teachers belonging to the Borderline Schools Teaching Staff, had been sent to the Romanian Academy. Unfortunately, only four volumes of the “Etimologicum Magnum Romaniae” had been printed and it came only to the letter B. So, the research of the teachers from Ardeal had only been partially used.

Keywords: academy, committee, school, dictionary, educator, frontier guard.


Arhivele Naționale, Serviciul Județean Sibiu, Fondul Comitetul pentru Administrarea Fondului Fostelor Școli Grănicereşti (1861-1920) / National Archives, Sibiu county Service, The Fund of the Committee for the Administration of the Fund for the Former Frontier Guard Schools (1861-1920).

Arhivele Naționale, Serviciul Județean Sibiu, Fondul Comitetul pentru Administrarea Fondului Fostelor Școli Grănicereşti (1861-1920) / National Archives, Sibiu county Service, The Fund of the Committee for the Administration of the Fund for the Former Frontier Guard Schools (1861-1920).

Bucur, Alexandru, Școlile grănicereşti de pe teritoriul fostului regiment de la Orlat (1871-1921), / The frontier guard’s schools in the former territory of the regiment from Orlat (1871-1921), Editura Salgo, Sibiu, 2010.

Bucur, Alexandru, Școlile grănicereşti de pe teritoriul fostului regiment de la Orlat (1871-1921), / The frontier guard’s schools in the former territory of the regiment from Orlat (1871-1921), Colecția ,,Teze de doctorat”, Brăila, Editura Sfântul Ierarh Nicolae, 2014.

Desăvârşirea unificării statului naţional român – Unirea Transilvaniei cu vechea Românie / The complete unification of the Romania national state – The union of Transylvania with the old Romania, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei R.S.R., 1968.

Dicţionarul limbii române / Romanian dictionary, volume I, part I (A-B), tomul I, partea I (A-B), Bucureşti, 1913.

Dicţionarul limbii române / Romanian dictionary, volume II, part I (F-I), tomul II, partea I (F-I), Bucureşti, 1934.

Hasdeu, Bogdan, Petriceicu, Programa pentru adunarea dateloru privitore la limba romana / The program to collect data regrading the Romanian language, Bucureşti, 1884

Lupea, Cornel, Racoviţa. Monografia unei străvechi aşezări sibiene / Racovita. The monograph of an old settlement in Sibiu, vol. II, Victoria, manuscris dactilografiat.

Muşlea, Ioan; Bârlea, Ovidiu, Tipologia folclorului din răspunsurile la chestionarul lui Hasdeu / The typology of the folklore from the answers to Hasdeu questionnaire, Editura Minerva, Bucureşti, 1970.