Acasă Articole RTR Periferia ca supracondiție a existenței în literatură: Ileana Negrea și supraabundența identitară

Periferia ca supracondiție a existenței în literatură: Ileana Negrea și supraabundența identitară


Periphery as Super condition of Existence in Literature: Ileana Negrea and Identity Overabundance

Abstract: The main aim of this paper is the analysis of how the multi-peripheral position in Ileana Negrea’s poetry is recontextualized in the geotemporality of contemporary Romanian culture, acknowledging her formation in a different language and through the reception and the application of feminist theories and praxis from other spaces, especially from the South American one, that are stratified and inserted in her texts. The analysis focuses on how the inflection point of her marginal identity, gender-queerness-madness, is recomposed in the actual Romanian cultural and geopolitical circumstances and how her texts are perceived accordingly with these. At the same time, it will be explored how Negrea’s texts enroll in the world literature system via her registering in the worldly queer-feminist literary scheme.

key words: Ileana Negrea’s poetry, queer-mad poetry, feminist poetry, contemporary Romanian feminist poetry, worldy queer-feminist literay scheme.


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