Acasă Articole RTR O identitate duală

O identitate duală


A Dual Identity

This paper aims to review a notable work in the field of Jewish Studies, namely Between Marginal Rebels and Mainstream Critics: Jewish Romanian Intellectuals in the Interwar Period by Camelia Crăciun. By also taking into account, besides the literary aspect, the social and political issues of that period, the researcher rebuilds the portrait of the “Generation of Emancipation” that created the Jewish literature seen as a bridge between Jewish and Romanian society.

Keywords: Camelia Crăciun, Jewish literature, Emancipation, Jewish Romanian Intellectuals.


Crăciun, Camelia. Scriitori evrei de limbă română: de la rebeli marginali la critici canonici [Between Marginal Rebels and Mainstream Critics: Jewish Romanian Intellectuals in the Interwar Period]. Iași: Editura Universității „ Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 2018.

Deleuze, Gilles, Felix Guattari. Kafka. Pentru o literatură minoră, traducere și postfaţă de Bogdan Ghiu. București: Editura ART, 2007 / Kafka. For a minor Literature.

Crohmălniceanu, Ovid S., Evreii în mișcarea de avangardă românească [Jews in the Romanian Avant-garde Movement]. București: Editura Hasefer, 2001.