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Acasă Articole RTR Mariana Marin: facerea și desfacerea unui mit. Postura tragică (I)

Mariana Marin: facerea și desfacerea unui mit. Postura tragică (I)



Mariana Marin: The Making and the Unmaking of a Myth. The Tragic Posture (I)


Abstract: Following the theories about the author’s posture, my paper aims both to reconstruct the path of Mariana Marin’s mythologization and to deconstruct it by establishing two main postures: the tragic posture, congealed mainly post-mortem, and the ethical one, originating in a specific ethos, identifiable in the poet’s biographical-artistic trajectory. Having become a mythologised figure of the 1980s generation, due to the fatalistic correspondences between poems and biography or to the legitimisation of her value by comparison with poets of the same framework, but from the mainstream of world literature (Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, Else Lasker-Schüler), Madi –  the famous nickname – tends to penetrate abusively, sometimes unjustifiably, into the reception of Mariana Marin’s texts, hence the empirical persona which becomes strongly than the poetic work.

Keywords: Mariana Marin, Madi, ethos, ethical posture, tragic posture, myth, Mariana Marin’s fictionalization.

Citation suggestion: Farmatu, Teona. “Mariana Marin: facerea și desfacerea unui mit. Postura tragică (I).” Transilvania, no. 2 (2023): 42-55.



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