Acasă Articole RTR Liviu Petcu, Experienţa extatică a sufletului în Dumnezeu după Sfântul Grigorie al...

Liviu Petcu, Experienţa extatică a sufletului în Dumnezeu după Sfântul Grigorie al Nyssei: beţia trează, somnul treaz, rana şi zborul sufletului (I)


St. Gregory of Nyssa on the ecstatic experience of the soul in God: sober intoxication, sleep awake, wound and flight of the soul

In the beginning of this study, I developed some interpretations and meanings of the syntagma „sober intoxication” in Philo, Plotin, Origen and St. Macarius. In Romanian theology, the subject of St. Gregory of Nyssa’s ecstasy was not debated before. Therefore the debate of this theme is a start in Romanian research. Previous to Gregory of Nyssa the use of the term „sober intoxication” within Christianity had mainly been in the condemnatory manner, and the dangers and injustices of intoxication enumerated.

Keywords: ecstasy, sober intoxication, drunkenness, Plotinus, Origen, Pseudo-Macarius, virtue.




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