Acasă Articole RTR Le Clézio. Proces verbal al unei ratări exemplare

Le Clézio. Proces verbal al unei ratări exemplare


Le Clézio. The proces-verbal of an exemplary failure

The study aims at a brief and synthetic overall image of J.M.G. Le Clézio’s work, from its beginning (with the novel Proces-verbal, awarded in 1963 the Renaudot prize) to the present (represented by such novela as The Gold Fish). Le Clézio appears thus as a formal upholder of the experimental poetics of the French „nouveau roman” and of OULIPO’s, but his characters are not dis-humanized and reified as required by the respective dogmas. Thus, Le Clézio proves to be, in his first novels, a humanist dissimulating his traditional values under formal experimental (anti-humanist) pretences. In his last novels, the humanist artist is replaced by a sheer apologist of political correctness, all the formal experiments being left aside and ignored – the artist being superceded by the ideologist. Le Clézio’s evolution may be understood as the proces-verbal of an exemplary failure, proving once more that the ideologist, if given the initiative, always removes the artist.


Michel Butor, Cercetări asupra tehnicii romanului / Researches on the technique of the novel, in Romul Munteanu, Noul roman francez / The French „nouveau roman”, Bucureşti, ELU, 1968.

Mircea Mihăieş, Cine a distrus cultura franceză? / Who destroyed French culture?, in România literară, 10/2009.

Donald Morrison, In Search of Lost Time. The Death of French Culture, in Time, 21 noiembrie 2007 (,9171 , 1686532,00.html).

Alain Robbe-Grillet, O cale pentru un nou roman / A path for a new novel, in Romul Munteanu, Noul roman francez / The French „nouveau roman”, Bucureşti, ELU, 1968.

Nathalie Sarraute, Vremea suspiciunii / The time of suspicion, in Romul Munteanu, Noul roman francez / The French „nouveau roman”, Bucureşti, ELU, 1968.