Karl Markus Gauss, Europeni care se sting. Note de călătorie despre sefarzii din Sarajevo, germanii din Gottschee, arbăreşi, sorbi şi aromâni
Lucian ROBU
Descriere autor:
Casa Corpului Didactic Sibiu
E-mail personal autor:
4 / 2009
Karl Markus Gauss, The Europeans about to become Extinct. Travelling journal about the Sephardi in Sarajevo, the Germans in Gottschee, Arbers, Sorbs and Aromanians
The Europeans about to become Extinct can be both a fascinating story about gone historical becoming, and a tragic confession about desperate efforts to survive. The two components meet happily in the pages of the tome due to the scientific interest, of the accuracy and intelligence of an extraordinary foreign itinerant, doubled by the scrupulous observer of the cultural and anthropological detail.
Keywords: Sarajevo, Sefard people, travelling journal Institution’s address:str. Turismului 15, Sibiu, România,
1. Robert Kaplan, Iarna la Mediterană / Mediterranean
Winter, Ia;i, Polirom, 2004.
2. Karl Markus Gauss, Europeni care se sting. Note de
călătorie despre sefarzii din Sarajevo, germanii din
Gottschee, arbăreşi, sorbi şi aromâni / Extinguishing
Europeans, Humanitas, Bucureşti, 2006