Acasă Articole RTR Erotizarea ecleziastului: Nora Iuga și poeticile corporale

Erotizarea ecleziastului: Nora Iuga și poeticile corporale


The Eroticisation of the Ecclesiastical: Nora Iuga and the Poetics of the Body

The aim of this study is to illustrate a peculiar mix that can be found in the poems of the Romanian writer Nora Iuga. The fusion between erotism and religion seems to be labelled as a controversial subject, but it stands as evidence of how the postmodernism was represented in Romanian poetry. Through its ironic and ludic aspect, the expected ”vulgarity” of the subject is tadesaded out. Nora Iuga dived into the most intimate areas of life and created an experimental poetry whose ingenuity and freshness enriched the feminine territory of the Romanian literature.

Keywords: neomodernism, postmodernism, religion, erotism, experimentalism, intimacy


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