Acasă Articole RTR Dumitra Baron, L’écriture thérapeutique ou la création à rebours

Dumitra Baron, L’écriture thérapeutique ou la création à rebours


The therapeutic writing or the reverse creation

This article aims at revealing the main elements that compose Cioran’s perspective on the activity of writing and the way in which his creation is influenced by the disruptive states of his mind and body. The discomfort of living will definitely be integrated in his writings and the crisis appears to be a vital necessity. Cioran’s work is consistently marked by terms that refer to the vocabulary of violence and aggression, to a state of rebellion against the outside world and against his own self. Crisis and anxiety create an enabling environment in which the writer can begin his artistic gestures, the act of expression being able to offer him the opportunity to a perpetual renewal of his state of mind, a “therapeutics” through which he attempts to treat and to comfort his troubled soul.

Keywords: Cioran, therapeutic writing, creation, crisis, vengeance

  • Cioran, Œuvres (Works), Paris, Gallimard, « Quarto », 1985.
  • Idem, Entretiens (Interviews), Paris, Gallimard, « NRF Arcades », 1995.
  • Idem, Cahiers 1957-1972, Paris, Gallimard, 1997.
  • Gilles Deleuze, Critique et clinique (Essays Critical and Clinical), Paris, Minuit, 1990.
  • Michel Jarrety, La Morale dans l’écriture – Camus, Char, Cioran (The Morality in Writing – Camus, Char, Cioran), Paris, PUF, 1999.
  • Michel de M’Uzan, De l’art à la mortitinéraire psychanalytique (From Art to Death – A Psychoanalytic Route, Paris, Gallimard, 1983.
  • Paul Nizon, Marcher à l’écriture – Leçons de Francfort (Walking Towards Writing – Frankfurt’s Lessons), Arles, Actes Sud, (1985) 1991, traduit de l’allemand par Jean-Claude Rambach.
  • Olivier Revault D’Allonnes, La Création artistique et les promesses de la liberté (The Artistic Creation and the Promises of Freedom), Paris, Klincksieck, 1973.
  • Martin Walser, « Écrire », La Naissance du texte (The Birth of Text), ensemble réuni par Louis Hay, Paris, José Corti, 1989.