Acasă Articole RTR Dragoş Varga

Dragoş Varga


Constanţa Buzea The glacier’s crown. Diary (1969-1971)

The glacier’s crown, Constanţa Buzea’s diary from the years 1969-1971, is a volume full of intimate indiscretions, probably with enough revanchist outbursts, written by a poet renowned for her discretion in everyday life. The central figure of the diary is Adrian Păunescu, her former husband, caught in all sorts of love entanglements and professional intrigues, tyrannizing his life partner at every opportunity. Her triple hypostasis, respectively of wife, mother and poet, contributes to the composition of a diary alternating the gray tones of marital episodes with moments of maternal delight and poetic illumination.
Keywords: post-war Romanian poetry, Constanţa Buzea, Adrian Păunescu, diary, post-war communist context

  • Buzea, Constanţa, Creştetul gheţarului. Jurnal (1969-1971)/The glacier’s crown. Diary (1969-1971), Humanitas, Bucureşti , 2009.