Acasă Articole RTR Decorative art in the middle Neolithic. The ceramics of the Piskolt Group¹

Decorative art in the middle Neolithic. The ceramics of the Piskolt Group¹


Decorative art in the middle Neolithic. The ceramics of the Piskolt Group

Based upon the finds found in the 16 archaeological objects (14 rubbish pits and two graves withouth skeletons), from Pişcolt-Lutărie settlemet, which were excavated between 1970-95, the present paper gives an insight into the decorative art of the Pişcolt Group, whose variety and colourfulness gives testimony to the superior workmanship that in some cases even bore with artistic value.

Keywords: Middle Neolithic, Painted Pottery Culture, Piscolt Group, Alföld Linear Pottery, neolithic decorative art.

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