Acasă Articole RTR Cosmina Timoce-Mocanu, Note la un epistolar fragmentar: Henri H. Stahl – „Epistolar...

Cosmina Timoce-Mocanu, Note la un epistolar fragmentar: Henri H. Stahl – „Epistolar monografist”


Notes from a Fragmentary Book of Letters: A Monographist Epistolary. Zoltán Rostás Edition from H. H. Stahl’s Archive of Letters. Bucharest, Paideia Publishing House, 2005.

The book entitled A Monographist Epistolary. Zoltán Rostás Edition from H. H. Stahl’s Archive of Letters [Epistolar monografist. Ediţie de Zoltán Rostás din arhiva de scrisori a lui H. H. Stahl] published some of the letters that sociologist Henri H. Stahl had received between 1929 and 1946. The addressers were Romanian and foreign intellectuals with various backgrounds and further careers, monographists and momentary contributors to Dimitrie Gusti’s Sociological School. The mentioned documents reveal Stahl as: a coordinator of monographic works and student teams, a methodologist of the sociological monographic campaigns, an unsurpassed field researcher, a study author or a professional editor, a professor, a colleague and a friend. In addition, a reading centered mostly on happenings would reveal: moments and stages related to the Sociological School in Bucharest, occasional methodological reconfigurations, precise situations of editorial projects, radiographies of daily efforts undertaken by Gustian sociologists in order to promote research nationally and internationally.

Keywords: Bucharest Sociological School, Henri H. Stahl, Dimitrie Gusti, correspondence between monogrpahists, interwar Romania.
