Configurări lexicale și gramaticale. Trenduri și un nou limbaj
Monica BORŞ
Descriere autor:
Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, Facultatea de Litere și Arte
E-mail personal autor:
11 / 2018
Științe socio-umane
Lexical And Phraseological Units. Current Trends And The Emergence Of A New Language
Continuing the series of investigations devoted to contemporary Romanian, the paper calls attention to substantial structural changes: forms that do not exist in Romanian (e.g. made-up masculine equivalents of feminine nouns or vice versa), semantically unjustified conversions, or the excessive use of the figurative sense of some words. In addition to these, the paper also discusses the current penchant for loanwords and loan phrases (some of which are not listed in the dictionary), structural changes within some set phrases and idiomatic expressions (e.g. words replaced by synonyms, omission of linking words), as well as various hybrid forms. All of these contribute to the development of a new language, which coexists with the standard language, but which – given the frequency of these structures in common parlance – might also be contending against it for primacy.
Keywords: structural change, idiomatic expressions, loanwords, made-up grammatical forms, semantic inappropriateness