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Acasă Articole RTR Conceptul de inter-imperialiate în periferie: modelul Wallerstein și cazul romanului Adam și...

Conceptul de inter-imperialiate în periferie: modelul Wallerstein și cazul romanului Adam și Eva de Liviu Rebreanu


The Concept of Inter-imperiality in the Periphery: The Wallerstein Model and the Case of the Novel Adam și Eva by Liviu Rebreanu

Abstract: The aim of this article is to demonstrate that the concept of “inter-imperiality” elaborated by Anca Parvulescu and Manuela Boatcă can be more useful for analyzing East European narratives than Laura Doyle’s initial concept of “inter-imperiality.” The reason for this differentiation is the fact that Doyle operates with a descriptive deep time model, reminiscent of Wai Chee Dimock’s method, while Parvulescu and Boatcă use a critical model influenced by world-system studies (Immanuel Wallerstein) to portray capitalist modernity. In order to prove the latter’s actuality, this study analyzes the novel Adam și Eva [Adam and Eve] by Liviu Rebreanu from an inter-imperial perspective, portraying its trans-imperial universalism as a symptom of its peripherality.

Keywords: inter-imperiality, modernism, Liviu Rebreanu, Adam și Eva, peripherality, world-systems analysis, deep time.

Citation suggestion: Bâlici, Mihnea. “Conceptul de inter-imperialiate în periferie: modelul Wallerstein și cazul romanului Adam și Eva de Liviu Rebreanu.” Transilvania, no. 10 (2022): 70-77.


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