Acasă Articole RTR Briscan Zara Ciocârlea, Impactul psihologic al exilului asupra creativităţii artistului

Briscan Zara Ciocârlea, Impactul psihologic al exilului asupra creativităţii artistului


The psychological impact of exile on artistic creativity

Exile is an overwhelming event in the life of any person. Its influence is mainly at the psychic level, as it generates changes in all the aspects of the individual’s life (behaviour, language, identity, cultural manifestation, etc.) In order to adapt to the new environment, the exiled person must exhaust this negative energy disturbing his existence. The artist is by definition a person searching for katharsis and liberation; the exiled artist will be even more involved in approaching this goals. The present study observes the manner in which the creative process and the psychic manifestations of the artist are influenced by exile.

Keywords: exile, literature of exile, exiled artist, psychological impact, creativity, adaptation.

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