Acasă Articole RTR Autoficțiune și identitate multiplă – Dezrădăcinare de Sașa Zare

Autoficțiune și identitate multiplă – Dezrădăcinare de Sașa Zare


Autofiction and Multiple Identity – Dezrădăcinare by Sașa Zare

Abstract: This paper aims to do a close reading analysis of the tridimensional narrative experiment found in Sașa Zare’s debut novel Dezrădăcinare [Rootlessness] (2022). The alternation between character, narrator, and author seen at the narrative level of the novel starts a discussion about the autofictional prose written by Romanian contemporary writers, achieving at the same time to go beyond both national and gender boundaries. Frontier experiences, the theme of otherness, the awareness of what separates us and the damaging effects of a homophobic thinking are portrayed in Dezrădăcinare through multiple perspectives that are firstly analyzed by the narrator. Regarding transnational and World Literature, Zare’s discourse overpasses the limits of a debut novel and brings forward an important question How can we define ourselves in relation to the society we live in? If in the beginning the author-character is unsure of what she is doing, until the end of the novel Sașa is going to address problems regarding literature and criticism, misconceptions, patriarchy, and she will outline her idea about what does writing really mean for a contemporary woman writer.

Keywords: autofiction, self-narrative, transnational literature, contemporary literature, intersectionality, queerness.


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