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Acasă Articole RTR Traduire le concept : Réflexions autour de la traduction bulgare de l’essai...

Traduire le concept : Réflexions autour de la traduction bulgare de l’essai Le sacré et le profane de Mircea Eliade


Translating the Concept: Reflections on the Bulgarian Translation of Mircea Eliade’s Essay The Sacred and the Profane

Abstract: This article addresses the translation challenges posed by humanities as far as the rendition of conceptual language is concerned. We begin by outlining the characteristics of humanities in contrast to natural sciences and literature, emphasising the primary role of concepts and their function as carriers of explicit and implicit intertextual references. We then proceed by juxtaposing some key concepts used in Mircea Eliade’s essay The Sacred and the Profane with their Bulgarian equivalents proposed by the translator. The analysis aims to illustrate the importance of accuracy in concept translation and the significant changes in meaning that can occur when the original text is adapted to the local audience without regard to the research traditions of the particular field of knowledge to which the source belongs.

Keywords: Translation Studies, Humanities, Theory of Religion, Concept Translation, Mircea Eliade, The Sacred and the Profane


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