Revista Transilvania în perioada 1944 -1946. Restituiri documentare.
Mihaela TEODOR
Descriere autor:
Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“din Iaşi, Facultatea de Istorie / „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ University from Iassy, Faculty of History
E-mail personal autor:
1 / 2010
“Transylvania” revue, 1944-1946.
Documentary restores.
The official periodical publication of ASTRA Association, “Transylvania” revue, had become a scientific and cultural publication with national importance. The last stage of its publication, 1944-1946, was the most difficult because of political transformations appeared in the Romanian society after the Second World War. Unpublished archives documents founded in the Ministry of Propaganda fund demonstrate unusual efforts made by the leadership of ASTRA to ensure the publication of the revue, till 1946, when it was canceled. In the same time, those documents are the evidence of the political pressure made by the pro-soviet government in order to put under control the Association’s means of cultural propaganda. The backwardness and finally the refuse to approve all the revue applications demonstrate the arbitrary censorship witch was one instrument of the cultural renewal communist project.
Keywords: „Transylvania” revue, ASTRA Association, Ministry of Propaganda, preventive censorship, suspension, soviet agreement, cultural renewal communist project
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