Acasă Articole RTR Temporalitatea internă a romanului românesc (1844-1932)

Temporalitatea internă a romanului românesc (1844-1932)


The Internal Temporality of the Romanian Novel (1844-1932)

The present article follows the relationship of the Romanian novelistic output between 1901 and 1932 with time and temporal distribution. Its emphasis falls on the degree of correlation between the time of publication and the time during which the events unfold for each corresponding novel, expressed through a variable coined “distance”. By making use of this variable, the temporal distribution of the novelistic corpus in the article clearly shows that the novelists’ focus gradually shifts towards contemporary events; while during the period between 1900 up until the outbreak of World War One, novelists were inclined to place the events of their works in the past, the War seems to have triggered an acute preoccupation with the immediate present. Lastly, the text touches upon two distinct
subgenres of the novel, arisen out of their relationship to time, namely the historical novel and the so-called ‘contemporary novel’.

Keywords: Romanian literature, time in literature, narrative and time, historical novel.


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