Strania istorie a comunismului românesc*
Miruna IACOB
Descriere autor:
Universitatea “Transilvania” din Braşov, Facultatea de Litere
E-mail personal autor:
[email protected]
3 / 2017
Științe vizuale
„The strange history of Romanian communism”
The 27th anniversary of the fall of communism, the book of Lucian Boia, the History of Romanian Communism (and its unfortunate consequences), probes the particularities of the political spectrum of the communist period that have made, and still make, a unique presence in Romania The turn of the Eastern European countries marked by a totalitarian regime. Romania’s singularity in Eastern Europe will be explained by the Romanian historian through the surprising evolution of a regime which, under the sign of anonymity at the moment of its establishment, the Romanian Communist Party having neither 1,000 members in 1944. An increase in popularity even during the transition period. Thus, the author explores the features of a seemingly social Stockholm syndrome and exemplifies in the course of time the forms by which „a society barely touched by the communist ideology has been deeply communicated, so far as it has been more difficult to break communism than any other.”
Keywords: fall of communism, Eastern Europe, totalitarian regime, Stockholm syndrome
Acest studiu este realizat în cadrul proiectului PN-IIRU-TE-2014-4-0240, finanţat de UEFISCDI 2015-2017, contract de finanţare nr 198/01.10.2015.