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Acasă Articole RTR Pupa russa. Reinventarea prozei româneşti

Pupa russa. Reinventarea prozei româneşti


Pupa russa. Reinventing the Romanian novel

The novelist Gheorghe Crăciun has the ability of combining, in his novel Pupa russa, as in a puzzle or in a chess game, various narative details, so different in style, so that we tend to speak about a real postmodern ars combinatoria, which can transform itself into a model of artistry of the novel, if not has already done it, under our eyes, while reading. The specifics of his novels, analyzed at its real value, could start over the discussion about the meaning of
the literary text, about narrative complexity, and types of readers.
Keywords: contemporay Romanian prose, Gheorghe Crăciun, generation ‘80,postmodernism, textualism

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  • Crăciun, Gheorghe, Pupa Russa, roman, cu o pagină introductivă de Horia Mircea Simionescu, Bucureşti, Humanitas, 2004.
  • Idem, Frumoasa fără corp/ The Beauty without Body, ediţia a II-a revăzută, însoţită de un dosar de receptare critică, prefaţă de Carmen Muşat, Bucureşti, Grupul Editorial Art,2007.
  • Eco, Umberto, Kant şi ornitorincul/ Kant and the Platypus, traducere de Ştefania Mincu, Constanţa, Editura Pontica, 2002.
  • Llosa, Mario Vargas, Scrisori către un tânăr romancier / Letters to a Young Novelist, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 2003.
  • Manolescu, Nicolae, Cititul şi scrisul/ Reading and Writing, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, seria Ecografii, 2002.
  • Mihăieş, Mircea, Cărţile crude. Jurnalul intim şi sinuciderea / Raw books. The Intimate Diary and the Suicide, Timişoara, Editura „Amarcord”, 1995.
  • Müller, Herta, Regele se-nclină şi ucide/ The King bends and
    kills, traducere şi note de Alexandru Al. Şahighian, Iaşi,
    Editura Polirom, 2005.
  • Simionescu, Mircea Horia, Literatură dus-întors/ The twoway Literature, Târgovişte, Editura Bibliotheca, 2005.