Sharing vs. quoting: știrile false și responsabilitatea morală
Simina-Maria TERIAN
Descriere autor:
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Letters and Arts
E-mail personal autor:
[email protected]
Științele limbii
Sharing vs. quoting: fake news and moral responsability
Abstract: The aim of this article is to analyze the relationship between the spread of fake news across social media and moral responsibility. To this end, my study conducts a detailed comparison between the act of social media sharing and a similar, even more traditional communication practice, namely quoting. The conclusion of the research is that, as with quoting, the spread of fake news through sharing entails the moral responsibility of the distributor, since the purpose of both operations is to grant readers access to information that is difficult to verify rather than require them to verify the accuracy of said information on their own.
Keywords: fake news, sharing, quoting, moral responsibility.
Citation suggestion: Terian, Simina-Maria. “Sharing vs. quoting: știrile false și responsabilitatea morală.” Transilvania, no. 6-7 (2022): 116-119.