Acasă Articole RTR Sebastian Corneanu, Ilustrarea Penitenţei în sculpturile din arhivoltele portalului bisericii evanghelice din...

Sebastian Corneanu, Ilustrarea Penitenţei în sculpturile din arhivoltele portalului bisericii evanghelice din Hosman, judeţul Sibiu. Interpretare iconografică


The Illustration of Penance Sacrament. An Iconographic Approach of the Carved Scenes on the Portal of the Protestant Church in Hosman

The western portal of the protestant church of Hosman is a sample of Romanesque style, style brought to Transylvania by the Saxon colonists. Among its decorative elements, containing column’s capitels decorated with patterns very similar to those of the western Giant Portal of St. Stephen Wien Cathedral, we have identified a different approach of carved figures, clustered in specific religious themes.

Considering the themes represented in the portal arches as a narration with specific meaning, after the individual identification of each scene we have connected these scenes to one another, finding as result a pattern of association.

According to this pattern, each part of the assembly corresponds to a specific moment in the framework of general narration, associated in various ways in the process of illustration of the sacrament of Penance.

Keywords: Iconography, Romanesque, Portal, Sculpture, Penance, Sacrament, Confession, Prayer, Salvation, St. Michael, St. Peter, Church, Hosman, Transylvania, Sibiu County

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