Săsesc fără sași? Studii de caz asupra instituției vecinătății, tradiției Fuga Lolelor și dansurilor săsești
Hannelore BAIER, Ramona BESOIU, Sorin RADU
Descriere autor:
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
E-mail personal autor:
[email protected]
Saxon Without Saxons? Case Studies on the Institution of Neighbourhood, the Tradition of the Escape of the Lole (Urzelnlauf) and the Saxon Dances
Abstract: In the context of the large-scale emigration of ethnic Germans from Romania, the ethnic German communities in Transylvania have implicitly lost traditions and customs, and the number of actors involved in these events has been considerably reduced. The present study is based on the results of a larger project realized between 2019 and 2022 in Transylvania. The research results, which were published on the project’s overarching theme – the impact of the migration of ethnic Germans from Transylvania on the Saxon intangible heritage – addressed specific issues like the neighborhood institution in the localities of the Hartibaci Valley, the Escape of the Lole (Urzelnlauf) tradition in Agnita, and the Saxon dances in young dance groups in Transylvania. The aim of this study is to synthesize the results of earlier research from the standpoint of the significance of their transfer to other entities and their new accents, as well as to realize a centralization of untapped research data and a comparative analysis from the viewpoint of the frameworks behind the revitalization of these traditions and the form in which they currently exist. Cultural transfers and exchanges have been made possible by interactions and influences between ethnic groups over their centuries-long common cohabitation. They were created in accordance with the sociohistorical setting, and they are still subject to change and transformation. It is precisely because of this borrowing, importing, and adapting to the new context that these elements of cultural heritage persist today and have the chance to be passed on to future generations.
Keywords: emigrare, etnicii germani din România, patrimoniu cultural, vecinatate, Fuga Lolelor, dansuri săsești.
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