Acasă Articole RTR Romanele maximaliste: O introducere în context românesc

Romanele maximaliste: O introducere în context românesc


Maximalist Novels: An Introduction in a Romanian Context

The second half of the twentieth century has offered a number of great novels that came to be described as maximalist, due to their objectives and realization. As a result, more and more critical attention has been focused on the ways in which these works circulate and influence the mediums to which they are translated. The present paper synthesizes the concept of maximalist novel and tries to analyse the elements that constitute its theoretical specificity. Moreover, the article explores the existence or the absence of some of the canonical text that represent this genre in Romanian, trying to give an account of the relation between the Romanian literary space and the maximalist paradigm.

Keywords: maximalist novel, Stefano Ercolino, encyclopedic narrative, Thomas Pynchon, translation.


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