Acasă Articole RTR Restituiri și reconstituiri în Muzeul în aer liber din Dumbrava Sibiului: povestea...

Restituiri și reconstituiri în Muzeul în aer liber din Dumbrava Sibiului: povestea olarilor din Corund


Restitutions and Re-enactments in the Open-Air Museum in Dumbrava Sibiului:

The Story of the Corund Potters

Abstract: The field research undertook by ASTRA Museum in the Szeklers’ area, especially in the locality of Corund, Harghita County, between 2021 and 2022, aimed to capture the rural life of the community, the acquisition of utilitarian and decorative ceramic objects important for the museum’s collections and the identification of craftspeople who still practice this craft and which can demonstrate to the visiting public of the Open-Air Museum in Dumbrava Sibiului, the mastery of the craft. In 2023, the number of potters from Corund who use the traditional decorum is decreasing, with approximately 250 potters working in workshops. We are witnessing a reorientation of the pottery centre due to current demands, especially external ones, which implicitly leads to a change in decorum and techniques. What is the future of the Corund ceramics? Can we talk about the identity of the ceramics production and the preservation of the Corund brand? It is difficult to say, given that in recent years, in addition to traditional ceramic, the potters from Corund display a new type of ceramics which is more or less in line with the continuity of the tradition of the Corund centre, with strong European influences, coming from Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy or Spain. The preliminary research completed the scientific research on the Szekler heritage held by ASTRA Museum, especially the craft of traditional pottery, by identifying craftspeople to help us complete our puzzle. The interviewed potters’ families contributed with objects, photographs, and life stories, and we recovered a significant part of documentary material on the oral history of the local Szeklers, thus obtaining a systematic fund composed of audio and video recordings, digital images, mostly on the pottery craft. All these completed the museum’s electronic database and will contribute to its use for scientific and craft recovery purposes. As a result of the research, we initiated a programme to protect and promote the traditional pottery from Corund by inviting craftspeople to the events and interactive workshops organized by the museum, designed for the visiting public, which we hope will contribute to enhancing the quality of the ceramic produced.

Keywords: field research, heritage communities, traditional pottery, potters, Corund, sustainability, heritage facilitation

Citation suggestion: Roșca, Karla. “Restituiri și reconstituiri în Muzeul în aer liber din Dumbrava Sibiului:povestea olarilor din Corund”. Transilvania, no. 1 (2024): 10-18.


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