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Acasă Articole RTR Optzecismul – Biedermeierul douămiismului?

Optzecismul – Biedermeierul douămiismului?


The poetry of the 80s – the Biedermeier of the poetry of 2000?

The study is focused on the anthology edited by the „Mihai Eminescu” National Center of Studies, comprising texts of the poets laureates during the first decade after the creation of the „Mihai Eminescu” prize, the most important prize for Romanian young poets (the so-called „poets of the years 2000”, or „millenarist poets”). While observing that the young poets share with the poets of the 80s the choice for the biographist poetics and for the
transitive poetic language, the author also notices that they lack the playful erudite bias of their predecessors; therefore, he makes the conjecture that the poetry of the 80s might finally prove to be the Biedermeier of the poetry of the years 2000, the latter transferring in the solemn and grave register what the former has initiated on a bookish but yet playful tone.
Keywords: contemporary Romanian poetry, poetry of the 80s, poetry of the 2000, millenarist poetry, transitive poetic language, biographist poetics, Biedermeier

  • Poeţi laureaţi ai Premiului Naţional de Poezie „Mihai Eminescu” – Opera Prima (1998-2008) / Poets laureates of the „Mihai Eminescu” National Poetry Prize, Anth. ed. by Gellu
    Dorian, Memorialul Ipoteşti – Centrul Naţional de Studii „Mihai Eminescu”, Editura AXA, 2010
  • Gheorghe Crăciun, Aisbergul poeziei moderne / The Iceberg of Modern Poetry, Piteşti, Paralela 45
  • Daniel Cristea-Enache, Milenarism, in Cultura, 8/2006, România literară, 31/2007.