Acasă Articole RTR Radicalizarea postmilenialilor: direcția queer-feministă în poezia contemporană românească și ethosul său de...

Radicalizarea postmilenialilor: direcția queer-feministă în poezia contemporană românească și ethosul său de diferențiere


The Radicalization of the Postmillennials: The Queer-Feminist Strain in the Romanian Contemporary Poetry and the Distinguishing Ethos

Abstract: My paper aims to discuss the configuration of the queer-feminist phenomenon, with its derivatives in intersectionalism, ecofeminism and posthumanism in postmillennial Romanian poetry. The premises of this approach are, on the one hand, the left-wing ideological radicalization of the poetic discourse, and, on the other hand, the shaping of a distinguishing ethos, through which the postmillennial poets create a self-legitimizing international network comprising feminist and/or queer writers and theorists like Donna Haraway, Rosi Braidotti, Virginia Woolf, Ocean Vuong, Natalia Ginzburg, Maryse Condé, Bruno Latour, etc. Therefore, the article focuses on theoretical import through poetic creation, since, less common in Romanian literary filed, it claims the urgency for theoretical and ethical debates on militant cultural currents and directions against patriarchy, exploitation of nature and animals by humans, and against the classical centre-periphery dichotomy.

Keywords: Romanian contemporary poetry, queer, feminism, ethos, theoretical import.


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