Posteritatea lui Dimitrie Cantemir: deturnări ideologice ale unei opere fără frontiere naționale
Bogdan CREȚU
Descriere autor:
The Romanian Academy. “G. Călinescu” Institute of Literary History and Theory; Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași
E-mail personal autor:
[email protected]
Studii literare
Abstract: Always considered an exceptional case, D. Cantemir was often used as an “agent of influence” who, through the prestige of his work, could legitimize different ideological agendas or political programs. Almost never did Dmitri Cantemir receive a passive reception, a critical distance. This study examines how his works were used for various ideological interests. The Chronicle on the antiquity of the Romano-Moldo-Vlachs fuelled the political agenda of intellectuals in Transylvania because of Cantemir’s thesis that the Romanians were descendants of the Romans, not of the Dacians; Descriptio Moldaviae was used, according to interest, to legitimise unionist ideas in Moldova, but also separatist ones. In 1935, the repatriation of his remains was a pretext for resuming diplomatic relations with the USSR, but also a nationalist spectacle. In the 1980s, when the official policy of the communist regime was nationalism, Cantemir became a hero of protochronism, an ideological trend that supported the pioneering of Romanians in almost all fields of knowledge. Cantemir was a pre-Enlightenment scholar, a century and a half before Romanticism. His thought is alien to the Herderian nationalism from which he has often been analysed. Finally, the study proposes a transnational approach to the personality of D. Cantemir.
Keywords: nationalism, Enlightenment, romanticism, protochronism, cultural memory, transnationalism
Acknowledgement: This paper is written as a part of the project INTELLIV PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-030 Intelligent Digital Solutions for the Research and Dissemination of the Old and Premodern Romanian Literature; Institute of Literary History and Theory “G. Călinescu” of the Romanian Academy and UEFISCDI.
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