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Acasă Articole RTR Panait Istrati, Chira Chiralina: inocență și inițiere

Panait Istrati, Chira Chiralina: inocență și inițiere


Panait Istrati, Kyra Kyralina: Innocence and Initiation


Abstract: Admired by many readers for his narrative talent, contested by others for some of his political opinions, Panait Istrati (1884 – 1935) had to be recognized as a gifted writer and an accomplished storyteller in France, and only after that in his native Romania. His debut short story Kyra Kyralina (1924) is one of his best works, offering the Western reader an Oriental setting (comparable to The Arabian Nights), an exquisite plot and amazing characters. Besides, the author reshapes the old structure of the picaresque novel and thus his hero’s journeys are given an obvious initiatory meaning. At the same time, his characters witness a complex process of evolution, their specific (and radical) innocence being the perfect way to confront all the world’s challenges and hardships and to affirm their own system of (moral) values.

Keywords: Romanian exile, storytelling, journey, innocence, initiation.


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