Natalia Milița Geormăneanu: Microistoria unei „nesupuse” ca demers în studiile de gen
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Universitatea Indiana; Indiana University
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Studii culturale
Natalia Milița Geormăneanu: The Microhistory of an “Insubordinate” as an Enterprise in Gender Studies
Abstract: This study uses microhistory as a useful method for gender analysis of the past, with a focus on the life and activities of Milița Geormăneanu, an unknown and yet revealing personality from interwar Romania. As a volunteer in World War I and then activist in a number of areas after the war, Geormăneanu was one of thousands of citizens of Romania who sought to claim benefits and rights on the basis of the new veterans’ administration legislation and policies during the 1920s and 1930s. Her unsuccessful campaign reveals important realities about the thinking of Romanian policy makers with regard to gender norms and expectations.
Keywords: veteran; disability; World War I; heroism; Milița Geormăneanu; citizenship.
Citation suggestion: Bucur, Maria. “Natalia Milița Geormăneanu: Microistoria unei ‘nesupuse’ ca demers în studiile de gen.” Transilvania, no. 11-12 (2020): 9-17.
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