„Memoria secretă a obiectelor”. Medierea culturală în muzeu prin atelier, obiect și poveste
Ovidiu BARON
Descriere autor:
ASTRA National Museum Complex
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Studii culturale
“The Secret Memory of the Objects”: Cultural Mediation in the Museum Through Workshop,
Object, and Story
Abstract: The current article reviews the evolution of cultural mediation and its modes of functioning in the activities proposed within the ASTRA Museum, recovering the field research efforts of the predecessors and continuing them with well-articulated forays into today’s rural world. The author mentions the arguments for the research and collection of constructions, objects, and installations, starting from the project of the Transylvanian Associations for Romanian Literature and the Culture of the Romanian People (ASTRA), which has inaugurated the Museum of Associations in 1905 with its first exhibition of sequences of outdoor constructions. The Museum of Popular Techniques, opened in 1967, became after the Revolution of 1989 the Museum of Traditional Popular Civilization, an integral part of the ASTRA National Museum Complex. Often found under the urgency of saving some constructions, objects, or traditions, field research has had multiple results, whether one refers to collections, to the permanent outdoor exhibition, to scientific studies, or to the continuous identification of human resources capable of transmitting knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as of transcribing or recording through images and sound the memory of the village. A new valorisation of these cultural research and mediating efforts has been materialized in the “Secret Memory of Objects” Program.
Keywords: history of the ASTRA Museum, cultural mediation, field research, ethnography, museum interpretation, storytelling
Citation suggestion: Baron, Ovidiu. “„Memoria secretă a obiectelor”. Medierea culturală în muzeu prin atelier, obiect și poveste”. Transilvania, no. 1 (2024): 19-28.
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