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Acasă Articole RTR L’intermédialité au travail dans le roman « Le cœur ne cède pas...

L’intermédialité au travail dans le roman « Le cœur ne cède pas » de Grégoire Bouiller


Intermediality and the Work on the Novel Le cœur ne cède pas by Grégoire Bouiller

Abstract: The integration of media discourse in contemporary French literature is a significant phenomenon that demands further understanding. As the media plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion and the cultural landscape, it is important to investigate how this influence is reflected in literary works. This research aims to explore the extent to which contemporary French literature incorporates media discourse and its impact on the literary discourse. The case study will mainly focus on Grégoire Bouiller’s novel Le Coeur ne cède pas (2022). After a short presentation of the novel and its main axes and themes, we will identify and assess the different intermedia elements (artistic, media), to then mention their modes of presence and insertion in the literary text. The last part will be devoted to the study of their functions at the level of the literary text (aesthetic, semantic, ideological, social, or civic).

Keywords: intermédialité, intertextualité, Grégoire Bouiller, écriture médiale, poïétique, mise en abîme

Acknowledgement: This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, CNCS/CCCDI – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P3-3.6-H2020-2020-0160, contract no. 55/2021.



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