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Acasă Articole RTR Les organisateurs textuels comme traces d’opérations langagières et empreintes du prédiscours

Les organisateurs textuels comme traces d’opérations langagières et empreintes du prédiscours


Textual organizers as traces of linguistic operations and marks of pre-discourse

The objective of this research is to show the importance of textual organizers/connectors and of typologies which could be encountered in discourse analysis under the form of lists, but also to show the relationship that exists between these text organizers (the connectors) and the pre-discourse. The corpus that we have chosen for this type of discourse contains 9 articles (245 pages in total) belonging to a specialized magazine in the domain of economics, L’Actualité économique; these articles are written between 1969 and 1970, the choice is motivated by the fact that this is only the beginning of a study which will be made on a longer corpus. The textual-cognitive organizers, so called by the French linguist M. A. Paveau, are considered manifestations of pre-discourse, establishing also the cohesion of phrases, as D. Maingueneau affirms. The questions that we try to answer through this study are related to the types of typologies encountered in the economic discourse, to their leading roles and the means through which they testify the pre-discourse. Thus, we have found after the analysis the following types of typologies: the polemic typology, the organizational typologies and the typologies under the form of lists, which retained most of our attention. Our analysis showed that there are different types of lists in the economic discourse which we have exemplified from the articles in our corpus. As a conclusion, we consider that in the articles analyzed by us, there are types of closed/open lists, the effect of a closed list being more utilized in our corpus, as well as the defining marks of a list (we have focused in this research only on the dots).

Keywords: list, text organizer/connector, pre-discourse, typology


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doi : 10.3406/lfr.1989.4768 article/lfr_0023-8368_1989_num_81_1_4768

dernière consultation, le 20 avril 2015.



Articles en ligne (le corpus) :

Bélanger, Gérard (1969). «L’université, une perspective économique», L’Actualité économique, vol. 45, no. 3, p. 488-498.

Delage, Denys (1970). «Les structures économiques de la Nouvelle-France et de la Nouvelle York», L’Actualité économique, vol. 46, no. 1, p. 67-118.

Harvey, Pierre (1970). «Planification économique et syndicalisme dans le Québec: les attitudes», L’Actualité économique, vol. 46, no. 1, p. 5-14.

Hymer, Stephen et Rowthorn, Robert (1970). «Les entreprises plurinationales et l’oligopole international: le défi non américain», L’Actualité économique, vol. 45, no. 4, p. 639-678.

Hymer, Stephen (1970). «L’économie de la Côte de l’Or et du Ghana», L’Actualité économique, vol. 46, no. 1, p. 15-66.

Maka, Diallo (1969). «Les banques centrales et le développement économique africain», L’Actualité économique, vol. 45, no. 3, p. 401-420.

Migué, Jean-Luc et Bélanger, Gérard (1969). «Le livre blanc sur la fiscalité», L’Actualité économique, vol. 45, no. 3, p. 401-420.

Torrelli, Maurice (1969). «La C.E.E. Et l’aide au développement: renouvellement de la Convention de Yaoundé», L’Actualité économique, vol. 45, no.2, p. 240-266

Yoo, Tae-Ho (1969). «Les objectifs économiques et leurs conséquences sur les secteurs économiques. Le cas de la Corée», L’Actualité économique, vol. 45, no.2, p. 218-239