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Acasă Articole RTR Particularităţile mentalităţii regionaliste basarabene în cadrul României reîntregite (1918-1940)

Particularităţile mentalităţii regionaliste basarabene în cadrul României reîntregite (1918-1940)


Some peculiarities of the Bessarabia regionalist mentality in the Reunified Romania


The study focuses on some peculiarities of the Bessarabia regionalist mentality in the Reunified Romania (1918-1940). It was noticed that the transition to the political and administrative institutions in Romania has not always been positively received by the indigenous population, but it was accompanied by a certain psychological discomfort, highlighted by the press at the time. The mentality of the Romanian Bessarabia between two wars was quite refractory regarding the process of consciousness and national identity development. The political context of the time, the accumulated frustrations have determined the enhancement of regional identity at the expense of the Bessarabia’s Romanian identity.
Keywords: mentality, Bessarabia, national identity, regional identity, regionalist, Reunified Romania, institutions

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