Italia și negocierile României pentru intrarea în Primul Război Mondial (1914-1915)
Victor Daniel CREȚU, Radu RACOVIȚAN
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Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
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Italy and Romania’s Negotiations on Entering World War I (1914-1915)
Abstract: Although the relations between the Great Powers expressed the fundamental trends of the evolution of the international situation in the period preceding the First World War, it is still necessary to specify that a significant role in the international life was acquired by some small and medium-sized states which, by their geographical and political position and through the economic and military potential, they could significantly influence the evolution of international political life. In this context, the importance of Romania’s role in international relations can be seen, given the fact that the Great Powers’ interest in the Romanian state had grown considerably. As the crisis of July 1914 worsened, the question of Romania’s attitude towards the Austro-Serbian conflict became of paramount importance in the future strategy of the Central Powers, because all the plans for attack and defense formations of the Triple Alliance were arranged in cooperation with the Romanian army. Since the beginning of the World War, between Romania and Italy there has been an approach desired by politicians from both states. However, the subsequent evolution of events and the separation of Italy from Romania during the negotiations with the Entente had the effect of weakening the supply of forces that a synchronous Italian-Romanian contribution would have brought it. Obviously, the effect would have been different if the two countries entered at once, both in terms of the military blow given to the Central Powers, and also on the attitude of the neutral countries in the Balkans, Bulgaria and Greece.
Keywords: First World War, Romania, Triple Alliance, Italy, Entente.
Citation suggestion: Crețu, Victor Daniel, and Radu Racovițan. “Italia și negocierile României pentru intrarea în Primul Război Mondial (1914-1915).” Transilvania, no. 8 (2022): 67-73.
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