Instances of Violence in Joyce Carol Oates’s Short Fiction
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Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, Facultatea de Litere și Arte; Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Letters and Arts
E-mail personal autor:
[email protected]
Studii literare
Instances of Violence in Joyce Carol Oates’s Short Fiction
The aim of the present paper is to reappraise some short stories published by Joyce Carol Oates in the last decades of the twentieth century in order to identify a pattern of violence that pervaded, in the writer’s opinion, the American cultural landscape of the time, one marked and marred by consumerism, material saturation and void spiritual expectations, as well as to show that the writer’s obsessive recurrence to violence was, before the age of online communication, a genuine reflection of a society in which the individual’s desire for public visibility would easily become a substitute for fame and/or success.
Keywords: violence, American life, American Dream, home, displacement.
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Hassan, Ihab. Radical Innocence: Studies in the Contemporary American Novel. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1961. 64.
Oates, Joyce Carol. Golden Gloves. In Oates, Joyce Carol. Raven’s Wing. London: Jonathan Cape, 1987, pp. 50-69.
Oates, Joyce Carol. Invisible Woman. In Modern American Women Writers. Showalter, Elaine, Lea Baechler, A. Walton Litz (eds.). New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1991.
Oates, Joyce Carol. Plot. In Oates, Joyce Carol (ed.). Scenes from American Life. Contemporary Short Fiction. New York: Random House, 1973.
Oates, Joyce Carol. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?. In Gilbert, Sandra and Susan Gubar. The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women. New York and London: W.W. Norton & Co., 1985, pp. 2277-2291.
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