Acasă Articole RTR Influența spaniolă și italiană asupra onomasticii românești în limbajul migrației

Influența spaniolă și italiană asupra onomasticii românești în limbajul migrației


Spanish and Italian Influence on Romanian Onomastics in the Language of Migration

In the case of bilingual speakers, the proper nouns support various transformations according to the contextual nature of the meanings, since „the relationship between the proper noun and the object it denotes is temporary, depending on its verbal and situational context.”1 Under current Romanian economic migration to Spain and Italy, the Romanian names have seen various changes under the influence of Spanish and Italian onomastics. In this paper, we have two main aims: to analyze the interferences occurring in communication, in the case of proper names of Romanians who emigrated to Spain and Italy, and to classify the proper names of newborns in the Romanian families settled in these countries.

Keywords: linguistic interference, onomastics, adaptation, rumañol, rotalian.


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El fenómeno de la inmigración. Nombres árabes y rumanos arrasan en el Registro Civil, pe http://www. elperiodicomediterraneo .com/noticias/temadia/ nombres-arabes-y-rumanos-arrasan-en-registrocivil_31338. html, ultima accesare 9.09.2011) (ultima accesare 4.05.2015). (ultima accesare 4.05.2015)